keðja presents: Stretch Turku
17-20 October 2019
**UPDATE December 2019
Please see here for selected reports and notes from different sessions at Stretch 2019 Turku.
Photos from Stretch 2019 Turku can be found in the Stretch 2019 Gallery.
The final programme and schedule of Stretch 2019 Turku:
FINAL programme e-book (pdf)
Quick schedule & Main locations (pdf)
Map of venues and locations (Google Maps)
We encourage everyone to be environmental-friendly and use the digital programme material instead of printing it.
The sign-up process is now closed.
Venues and locations
The main programme venues are Visitor and Innovation Centre Joki in the Kupittaa neighbourhood and Manilla Culture Factory.
Morning classes will take place in Manilla and in the Arts Academy (west of the city centre).
The main programme (Thu-Sat from 10.15 to 17.00) will take place in Visitor and Innovation Centre Joki and Mauno BioCity (Kupittaa neighbourhood southeast of the city centre).
Performances will take place in various venues around the city.
Please reserve time to transfer from one location to another by foot or by bus. All Stretch participants will receive a bus card. More information on getting around with buses will be available soon.
You can find all these on the Map of venues and locations (see above).
All venues are wheelchair accessible, except for Barker Theatre, Dance Theatre ERI and Kutomo.
Remember to eat!
Please reserve time for yourself to eat, especially if you intend to see more than one performance during the evening. Good moments for grabbing a bite are before or after performances. Restaurant tips for quick bites as well as proper dinners near the venues will be available soon.
Lunches are served in Visitor and Innovation Centre Joki.
All sorted out with travels and accommodation?
If you haven’t booked your accommodation yet, be sure to do so as soon as possible. Our hotel deals are valid until the end of September (subject to availability) and can be booked through the link that was sent to you upon registration.
Important! Thursday 17th through Saturday 19th will be full programme days, so we strongly recommend arriving in Turku on Wednesday 16th and departing on Sunday 20th.
More information on practical arrangements and traveling here.
The programme is subject to changes and additions.
ANY QUESTIONS? We are happy to help you: stretch.kedja[at]gmail.com